Roubler 9.9 was released on 14, July 2023 with the following new features, improvements and fixes.
Please watch our short demonstration webinar to see all these new and exciting features in action:
Features Overview
1. Multiple ‘work types’ on timesheets (Non AU, NZ and UK payroll engines)
2. Ordering timesheets and preferred matches - This additional condition would make it possible for employees to be paid the overtime correctly taking into consideration any leaves taken or public holidays.
3. Ability to generate a report of the shift tasks
4. Option to mark expenses as ‘paid’
5. Additional filter option on roster by qualification - Selecting that filter should limit the display shifts to only those assigned to people who possess that qualification. If multiple qualifications are selected then show employees who possess any of those qualifications.
6. General improvements
- Fix for managers with custom permission to see leave and availability tile on mobile app
- New payrolled/visible flag on employee -> settings for managers with payroll and above permissions.
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