Our new and improved clock app has been created to provide a seamless user experience and to ensure your business is able to manage clock in/out events effectively and efficiently.
The main setup/configuration difference with our new Clock App is that you are required to create a dedicated 'Clock Device User'.
Once you have created the Clock Device User, you are then able to download the App via iOS, Android or utilise via the Browser (Chrome is recommended).
** Desktop Devices must use the Web Clock
** Tablets must download the Roubler Clock App
For both options, you will then login under the Clock Device Username to register & once this has done, your staff can commence their Clock ins/outs & breaks.
Add a Clock Device User via the 'Manage System Users' page
1. In order to register a Clock Device User, simply head to Management > Settings > Manage System Users
2. You will then need to select the green Create new system user button - Please note, only Admin Users will have access to create a System User.
3. You will then need to fill in the following fields, please see recommended setup below
- Location: Select the specific Location this Clock Device is being used at
- Permission Group: The Permission Group must be set to 'Clock Device' in order for the Clock App to register successfully
- First Name: If you have multiple locations at your business and want to register multiple devices, we recommend setting the first name as the location name + clock e.g. Gold Coast Clock. Alternatively, if you only have 1 x Location or 1 x Device, simply set the first name as Clock.
- Last Name: Set this to 'Device'
- Email Address: If you have an email address that can be used for this device e.g. an Email Address that is not currently used by any other employees, please enter in here.
Alternatively, some email providers allow you to simply insert a + after your main email address and this will allow emails to be forwarded into your email inbox e.g. johndoe+clockdevice@roubler.com.
Alternatively, if you have an IT Department, you could arrange for a unique email address to be created for the device.
Important: This email address that you will use to login/register on the clocking app.
4. Send Invite To: Select what email address you would like to send the invite to in order to register the clocking app with the.
4. You will then need to open the email inbox that you sent the invite to.
Click the green button to complete the account setup, once clicked you will then need to select 'New Account' (please note, if you are already logged into Roubler in your browser, right click on this link and open in a private/incognito web browser to complete username setup)
Enter the above email address registered for the clock device for the Username & then enter a password to register.
Now that you have finalised the clock device username, you will now be able to to download the app for iOS, Android or open via a Browser. To download, head to Apple Store or Google Play and search for "Roubler Clock", or visit one of the links below on the target device.
Tablets - download the Roubler Clock App
Roubler Clock on the App Store
Roubler Clock on the Google Play Store
Desktop - download the Web Clock for Browsers
Go to Management > Settings > Clock Applications >
Open NEW CLOCK DEVICE FOR BROWSERS, or go to https://clock.roubler.com/
Download App or Web Clock, Login with the Clock Device Username to Register the Device
5. Now that you have downloaded the App or Clock, you simply need to officially register the clock user to the Clock App! To do this, you will need to select Sign In > Enter clock device username & password > Login > Select Company > Select Location > Enter clock device pin on keypad (located in the initial email as mentioned above)
When you login with the above clock device username & enter the pin, you will see the below page. This is where you can adjust/view certain settings to do with the device itself.
- Refresh Location Data: This will pull an updated list of employee from the database. This usually happens every 5 mins however can be triggered manually here as well.
- Change Location: This lets you change the configured clock location.
- Log out - This will log the clock device user out of the device and return you to the Sign In
Important for Tablets: The Roubler Clock app is designed to run on a device that is plugged in and always on, in a fixed location where employees can clock in and out. If the app is backgrounded or the device locked there may be instances where the clock app will be logged out. In order the avoid this, please keep the device plugged in and use the following instructions to keep the screen on:
Go to the Settings app -> Display & Brightness -> Auto-Lock -> Set to "Never"
This will vary based on the device brand, but should be similar to Settings -> Display -> Screen timout. If there is no option here to set the screen timeout to "Never", there are multiple apps available on the Google Play Store to achieve this. We recommend this one as it's free and has the option for "Always on":
Your Employees can now start using the Roubler Clock!
6. Now that you have successfully registered the device and logged it in under the registered device username. You can select the 'Close' button on the above screen (located in the bottom right) and this will take you back to the pin pad page.
7. When employees first onboard with you, they receive a pin code in their onboarding email. They can then simply Select a Company then Select a Location from here you can enter your PIN to register a clock event.
Please note, the clocking flow will depend on your company settings e.g. whether the employees require a photo and whether shift enjoyment is enabled on clock out.
6. Entering an employee’s pin number on the dial pad screen will take them through the clocking flow.
If employee's primary location is a child of clock’s location then timesheet location will be the employee's Primary Location.
- Previously configured clocking devices will continue to work as long as the web clock is bookmarked in the browser.
- Registering a location device is no longer applicable as this is only for legacy web clocking devices.
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