Managers can convert a published shift to leave within the roster.
- Click Roster in the main navigation bar
- Click on the shift you want to convert to leave
- Click Convert to leave
- Select Leave type, Start time, End time
- Click either:
- Converts the timesheet for the shift in the Manage Time
- Creates a pending leave request ready for approval.
Convert and Approve:
- Creates a timesheet in the Manage Time section
- Creates and approves the leave request
- Creates a leave timesheet.
- The original shift you have converted to leave will remain in the roster, with the alert Shift overlaps with Leave. A second shift will also appear in the Leave section of the roster.
- Choose whether to delete the original shift - this affects whether or not there will be an unassociated shift:
- Delete the shift: to have no unassociated shift for that employee
- Leave the shift within the roster: it will be displayed as an unassociated shift in the Time page, because the shift was not completed/no clock logs an indication that the employee did not go to work on that day.
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