Click My Profile on the menu dropdown list when your name is clicked (seen on the upper right corner)
- Navigate to the Leave and availability Tab and click on the + sign to add a new request
The Leave Request panel will now pop up where you can add your leave details.
You may now fill the leave module with the necessary information below:
- Number 1: Name - Select the leave type you wish to add a new request for
- Number 2: Select from Full Day, Half Day or Custom Time
- Number 3: Start Date - Select a start leave date from the date picker
- Number 4: End Date - Select an end leave date from the date picker
- Number 5: Note - Enter leave details (eg. reason for taking a leave)
- Number 6: Supporting Documentation - Upload a file for proof if any
- Number 7 Repeat Every - Select a recurrence if necessary then input an Re-occurrence End date. (See further instructions below)
- Click the “Save” button when done.
Your submitted leave will be displayed on the leave table.
Recurring Leave Requests
If you do need to submit a recurring leave request, select if it’s repeating “Weekly” or “Fortnightly” "Monthly" "Quarterly" and select a “Reoccurrence End Date”.
You may now fill the leave module with the necessary time and notes. Click the “Save ” button when done.
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