Please note, this support document is for the legacy employee onboarding feature which will be closed down from September 2023. For information on the new employee onboarding feature released in May 2022 please see this support document. This is currently only available for new customers who are in the implementation process with Roubler.
As a manager, you are able to check the status of an employee’s onboarding progress by going to the Status page. (Please follow through the steps below)
1. Click Management > Hire from your dashboard
2. You will then be redirected to the Hire page, Click on the Status tile.
- In this page, you will be able to see all of the sent invite links are displayed in the table. You can sort the columns in ascending-descending order and vice versa. There are three (3) status: Invited, In Progress and Completed.
- Invited status means you have just invited the employee, at this point employee has not made any progress with his onboarding. If in any case the employee did not receive the invite link, you have the option to resend the invite link, by clicking the Resend Invite link. Upon clicking this link, employee should receive it without any issue and can progress with the onboarding.
- In Progress status means the employee has started the onboarding process but not yet completed. Once the onboarding status is In Progress, you will have to wait for the employee to finish the onboarding as you will not have any option to resend the link anymore.
- Completed status means the employee has completed the onboarding process and you will now have the option to view his employee profile by clicking the name. Clicking the name will redirect you to the that employee's profile.
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