From time to time, when using ClickSuper to automatically pay super payments, you may receive a notification saying that a payment has failed. There are two reasons why this happens:
Scenario 1. the entire batch has failed at the first hurdle - this happens when ClickSuper decide that one or more payments are invalid (eg. because of an invalid field)
Scenario 2. the entire batch has been submitted to ClickSuper successfully, but then one (or more) failure/s occur once the payments go through to the super funds (eg. incorrect member number, a closed account or an incorrect TFN)
In scenario 1 (the entire batch has failed) you will need to:
- correct the invalid data as specified in the failure notification
- delete the batch and resubmit it to ClickSuper. To do this click on Reports > Super Payments Reports - then click on the number of the super batch in question. When this expands you will see a pink banner at the top explaining that the batch has failed - click on the red Delete button
- create a New Super Batch Payment (green button) and process the payment as you did before (ie. change the period dates if necessary).
In scenario 2 only one payment in a batch has failed - eg. a super fund has returned a contribution that you've previously "successfully" paid. You'll need to mark just the one payment as failed in a successfully uploaded super batch - follow these steps:
- Click on Reports > Super Payments Report - open the super batch that contains the failed payment by clicking on the number of the super batch, then click on the fund name to expand the payment section.
- Find the employee that the payment failed for and click the "Mark as failed" link
- In the confirmation dialog that shows, enter the reason the payment failed and click "Confirm"
- The payments will now be marked as failed in that super batch
- Now when you create a new batch, you can choose to include those payments (by selecting a date range that will capture them). You'll see that they're being included because they have previously been marked as failed in the description
In either scenario - you should be aware that updating the employee's record / super funds page is just the first step to resolving this type of issue because any super batch collects it's data from the pay runs where the super is accrued (including whatever super fund data is on the employee record at that point in time) - therefore data in a new batch will still not be correct (initially). This is the reason we why give users the option to manually change where contributions in a batch are going, and this is how you do it - in the new batch for this period (where you are "repaying" the super)...
- Click on the employee's name on the batch creation page
- You'll see an option to "change funds" (you'll need to do this for each payment that needs altering)
- Click on the drop down arrow and select the new fund details from the list
- Click on the big tick to save the change
- Submit this batch for payment.
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