The ATO requires that all businesses submit a PAYG payment summary report (EMPDUPE file) for their employees by August 14. To make this simpler for you, You can automatically generate the required 'EMPDUPE' file which allows you to lodge your payment summary annual report online.
This is NOT required if you have electronically 'lodged' your payment summaries with the ATO. There is more information on this here.
To generate the EMPDUPE file follow these simple steps:
- First, make sure you have generated and published your PAYG payment summaries for your employees.
- Make sure you have updated your ATO Settings details. You can update these by clicking on 'Payroll Settings' > 'ATO Settings'. Make sure all the details are complete on the ATO Supplier Settings tab. (NOTE- Electronic submission of payment summaries will not be allowed when payee address details are incomplete, or when they have supplied an invalid TFN)
- Once you have generated your PAYG payment summaries and updated your ATO Settings details, go to the 'Reports' menu and under 'ATO Reporting' click on 'Payment Summaries'.
- Within the payment summaries section, click the 'EMPDUPE' button and then select the appropriate option.
- Once you've done this, your browser will download the EMPDUPE file. Save this file to your desktop or some other 'known' location.
- You will then need to refer to the ATO website.
- Using the online portal: - the following video will instruct you on how to use the ATO online Business Portal to lodge the EMPDUPE file from your web browser:
- Using the ECI Application - this article will instruct you on using the Desktop ECI application to lodge your EMPDUPE file.
(NOTE - Electronic Commerce Interface (ECI) is closing in December 2019. This is due to its limited functionality and services being outdated and replaced by modern digital services. As ECI is closing; it is not available for new users and current users will need to upgrade their systems).
If you are receiving errors while uploading the EMPDUPE file, you may wish to refer to our article that explains what goes into an EMPDUPE file.
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via
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