• Company Onboarding Wizard: A new tool that greatly assists new customers in importing data from spreadsheets and getting things set up on the platform. This is designed to make it a lot easier to get started and providing a better customer experience early on.
• Advanced Document Management: We've overhauled our existing document management facility to make it much easier to use, much more aesthetically pleasing and enhancing the functionality.
• Overhauled Print Functionality: The print option will be greatly improved with a nicer look and feel and ability to print multiple views and formats.
• Termination Process: Able to terminate staff who are leaving the business, more formally than the current archiving process.
• Timesheet Engine: In addition to the current functionality in SG payroll, this should include costings on the UK platform.
• Expense Claims: Employees can submit expense claims for the web portal and authorised managers can process those.
• Onboarding Localisation for Hong Kong: Adding functionality to improve usability in the Hong Kong market.
• Payrun Inclusions Report: Addition of a new report for authorised RoublerPay users, which displays additional earnings per employee.
• Enhanced Shift Notes: This feature makes it more obvious when there are relevant notes on the schedule.
• Payrun Inclusions Report: Addition of a new report for authorised RoublerPay users, which displays additional earnings per employee.
• Enhanced Shift Notes: This feature makes it more obvious when there are relevant notes on the schedule.
• New Alerts on the Schedule: This allows for more alerts to notify users of different conditions.
• Automated Re-costing: To make sure things are costed more consistently the system will automatically re-cost in the event of publishing a roster or approving a timesheet.
• Schedule-only Version of Roubler: This allows us to provide access to Roubler that excludes Leave, Manage Time, Documents and Payroll. Also we can split the ability to build and publish rosters between different staff (if required).
• Schedule-only Version of Roubler: This allows us to provide access to Roubler that excludes Leave, Manage Time, Documents and Payroll. Also we can split the ability to build and publish rosters between different staff (if required).
• Smart rostering enhancement for positions: Positions can be taken into account more explicitly during smart rostering.
• Display work types on shifts: To aid readability and transparency users will be able to view work type details on the shift when viewing the schedule.
• Enhancement of some specific reporting the expired qualifications report: Addition of the primary location to provide more information on the expired qualifications report, and also enhancements to the Variance by Location report.
• Schedule export facility: Schedule can be exported to CSV format for further manipulation.
• Time display formatting: Companies can choose their preference for 12-hour or 24-hour time formats to aid readability.
• Better regional support for the mobile app: Users have a wider range of countries available for things like home addresses.
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