This article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and employee tags that are included as part of the pre-built IPCA (WA) Enterprise Agreement 2011 and 2012 package. For further information about the IPCA (WA) Enterprise Agreement 2011 and 2012, refer to:
IPCA (WA) Enterprise Agreement 2011
IPCA (WA) Enterprise Agreement 2012
Installing a Pre-built Award or Employment Agreement
You will firstly need to install the pre-built Employment Agreement from our awards catalogue. For details on how to do this, please read our separate help article here.
Key Updates to Award
Last Updated: July 2019
This agreement covers those franchisees listed in Schedule 1 of the agreement.
N.B. This agreement no longer supports leave loaded arrangements and as such are not catered for by us.
Work Types
Work types are a description of the kind of shift you are working, and are selected when you record a timesheet. The following is a list of work types employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.
Work Type Name | Description |
Annual Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any annual leave to be taken |
Compassionate Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any compassionate leave to be taken |
Hours worked | Use this work type for hours spent at work unless another work type is more specific |
Jury Service Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any Jury service leave to be taken |
Leave Without Pay | Use this work type for authorised leave without pay |
Long Service Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any long service leave to be taken |
Mandatory team meeting outside of hours | Use this work type where there is a staff meeting outside of hours where attendance is mandatory |
Off-the-job accredited workplace training | Use this work type for all accredited workplace training which is done off site e.g. TAFE |
Optional team meeting outside of hours | Use this work type where there is a staff meeting outside of hours where attendance is optional |
Paid rest break in lieu of unpaid meal break | Use this work type to record a 15 minute paid break in lieu of receiving a 30 minute meal break |
Parental Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any parental leave to be taken |
Personal Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any personal leave to be taken |
Public holiday hours not worked | Use this work type for a permament employee who normally works on a public holiday but has had the day off |
Study Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any study leave to be taken |
Time In Lieu Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any time in lieu leave to be taken |
Unpaid Carer's Leave Taken | Use this work type to represent any unpaid carer's leave to be taken |
Unpaid Community Service Leave | Use this work type to represent any unpaid community service leave to be taken |
Employee Tags
Employee Tags are specific conditions typically related to the employees agreement. These are often conditions negotiated and agreed between the employer and the employee, or unique characteristics of the employees role.
Employee Tags | Description |
Agreement to work less than 3 hours per shift | This is an agreement between the employer and the employee to allow shifts to be worked less than 3 hours in duration, making the minimum duration 1 hour. |
TIL of OT | This swaps any overtime paid to accrue time in lieu at the equivalent number of hours e.g. time and a half = 1.5 hours of time in lieu. |
Key Updates
July 2019
Pay Rate's Updated as per the (IPCA (WA) Enterprise Agreement 2011 and 2012)
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