For Talenox integrated HK and SG companies, different Off in lieus in Talenox can now be added and managed separately to map with Roubler’s individual OIL leave types.
How to Setup:
- Add the name of the leave type in the Remarks textbox in Talenox to appear in the service dropdown list in Roubler
- Add the employee to OIL leave types in Talenox to appear in the service dropdown list in Roubler
- Add leave balance
Add OIL leave types in Roubler then select the corresponding OIL as setup in Talenox from the service dropdown list for mapping
Create a Leave Entitlement in Roubler with the applicable OIL leave types then assign to the employees accordingly for the corresponding OIL to appear in the employee’s leave type option when filing OIL leave
NOTE: When expiration is setup in Talenox, OIL leave type will be hidden from the leave balance section in Roubler a day after the expiration date. Remove the leave type from leave entitlement if you do not want the employee to see and select the expired off in lieu leave type.
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