We have updated Roubler to version 6.8.3. Enhancements include:
- Company-wide positions: You can now create employee positions (e.g. pizza delivery driver) across all locations for company-wide use in shift templates. This will significantly reduce the time spent creating these positions.
- Shift templates for multiple locations: You can now apply shift templates to multiple locations. This is useful for businesses with common shift schedules on certain days and times (e.g. Friday nights) and will significantly reduce the time spent creating shift templates manually.
Rules engine for accounts outside of Australia: For companies outside of Australia, you can now have custom pay types (e.g. regular hours, overtime, public holiday) and pay rules (e.g. pay Joe at X-times his base shift rate if worked more than 8 hours consecutively). You can apply these rules to timesheets and shift costings in order to get a better view of your actual projections and costs.
- File name character limit: You can now use up to 100 characters to name your files in the document management feature.
We have also fixed the following issues:
- Accidental smart rostering: Some employees were unintentionally smart rostered even if they were triggered with a rest day.
- "Action" column in time and attendance: Upon exporting the report, the "action" column will no longer be included.
- BSB detail entry: Resolved an issue where BSB numbers which started with "0" were discarded from entry.
- Emergency contacts: Resolved an issue where emergency contact details were not saving on some employee profiles.
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