Bank payment files are generated once a pay run has been finalised and then imported via internet banking.
Setting up your payment file
To set up bank payment file, go to Management > Payroll > Payroll Settings, then to 'Payment Files'. Click on the 'Add' button and you will see screen as shown below.
File Format - select 'File Format' from the dropdown. The available bank file options are:
- Access Global ACH format
- ANZ Domestic Payment format
- ASB Standard Bulk Payments format
- BNZ Payroll format
- KiwiBank GIFTS format
- Westpac Deskbank format
- HSBC Credits File format
Account Number - enter in the 'Account Number'. The 16 digit account number of the account that payroll payments will be made from.
For HSBC, enter in the 12 digit account number as shown on your HSBC Statement.
Account Name - The Account Name of the account that payroll payments will be made from
Lodgement Reference - The description of the payroll payment that will appear on the employee's bank statement. e.g. “Payroll” or “Weekly wages” and you can choose to append the lodgement reference by 'Nothing', 'Pay Period Ending', 'Payment Date' or 'Pay Run ID'.
Once payment file details are complete, then click on 'Save' to save details.
To make any edits to the payment file, click on the account name.
To remove a payment file, hover over the right side and click on the 'x' icon.
Generating a payment file
You can generate the payment files using the following steps:
- After you have finalised a pay run, click the 'Download Payment File' > 'Download BECS File' button from the pay run 'Actions' bar
If you only have one set of payment setting, your payment file will download automatically.
If you have multiple payment settings, ensure the correct payment setting is selected, click in 'Payment File Settings' as per below.
Select the relevant payment file from the BECS Payment Account drop down and click on 'Save'
We will remember which payment settings you last used to generate your payment file and will automatically select it for next time.
N.B: If you chose to include PAYE amounts in the bank file, the system will need to check whether IRD Details have been completed. If they haven't, you will not be able to download the bank file.
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