Following on from the IRD Gateway Services - Payday Filing Employment information, if you have submitted an Employment Information report to the Inland Revenue (IR) for a pay run and then need to make amendments to that pay run, an Employment Information Amendment report will need to be submitted to the IR.
The below are instructions on how to generate the payday filing employment information amendment using the IRD gateway services.
To make changes to an already finalised payrun, you would have had to unlock a payrun.
Once you have made the required updates, recalculated and finalised the unlocked pay run, the 'Payday Filing (Amendment)' button will appear.
Clicking on the 'Payday Filing Amendment' button will take you directly to the Payday Filing reporting page.
You will notice a status of 'Amended' and the payday filing history of the original employment information file and the Amendment file.
To submit the payday filing employment information amendment to the IRD, click on the 'Submit Payda Filing' button.
Once the payday filing information amendment has been submitted successfully, the status, lodged by and receipt number will be populated as shown below.
The 'check now' button within the status line allows you to check the polling status updates from the IRD. Once payday filing is processed by the IRD, then the status will be updated from 'Submitted' to 'Submission Received'.
Please note - once a return has been filed it can take up to 24 hours (or longer) for the status to change, you may wish to contact the IRD to follow up on the processing of your payday file.
Payday filing errors
There may be instances when errors are returned upon submission of your payday filing to the IRD. The errors need to be corrected before you can resubmit the payday filing.
The known errors (to date) and how to correct the errors:
Errors | How to fix the errors |
The IRD has no record of employee (given name and surname) |
Ensure you have submitted the payday filing employee details to the IRD so that the IRD has the employee on record prior to submitting the payday filing employment information.
The recorded date of birth does not match what the IRD has on file |
Check the employee's date of birth within the employee's file. Submit the payday filing employee details to the IR to correct details first before submitting the payday filing employment information. |
The recorded start date does not match what the IRD has on file |
Check the employee's start date within the employee's file. Submit the payday filing employee details to the IR to correct details first before submitting the payday filing employment information. |
The IRD is expecting tax code <employee tax code> for this employee |
Check the employee's tax code within the employee's file. Submit the payday filing employee details to the IR to correct details first before submitting the payday filing employment information. |
The IRD is not expecting tax code <employee tax code> for this employee |
Check the employee's tax code within the employee's file. Submit the payday filing employee details to the IR to correct details first before submitting the payday filing employment information. |
Authentication failure |
This error occurs when there has been a change to your IRD log in details/ portal e.g. password has changed. To fix this, you will need to disconnect from the IRD gateway services by clicking on the 'Disconnect' button and then click on the 'Connect' button again. Then log into the IRD portal with your username and password details. |
Missing authentification token(s) | Same as "Authentication failure" above. |
Unauthorised access / delegation / vendor |
Based on the IRD log in details/ credentials provided, you do not have the authority to lodge payday filing. You will need to contact the IRD to confirm your credential details for the business. |
Duplicate payday submission |
You have already previously submitted the payday filing employment information for the same reporting period. Check to ensure whether you need to submit the payday filing amendment. |
Period too far into the future |
Unable to submit payday filing with pay run period date too far into the future. Check your pay run period date and ensure the correct reporting period has been set. |
Invalid filing period |
Same as "Period too far into the future" above. |
XML request failed validation |
Data issue not accepted by the IRD e.g. negative earnings. Negative earnings are not accepted by the IRD. You will need to ensure earnings are presented as positive earning amounts. |
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