This document aims to outline the SimplePay integration with a focus on employee imports and syncing between Roubler and SimplePay without overwriting existing employee data in SimplePay or creating duplicate employee data in SimplePay
Roubler is considered the source of truth, unlike Keypay integrations we cannot import SimplePay employees into Roubler
Depending on whether or not the customer is an existing SimplePay customer will determine which method we should use to import employees
New Roubler company, new SimplePay customer
This should be a straight forward process since there are no existing SimplePay employee’s to link too, we can sync new employees from Roubler as required without the need for additional steps
Create Roubler company
Create SimplePay company
Integrate Roubler with SimplePay company
Add employee’s via desired method (manual, employee import or via onboarding invites
As employees sync a new SimplePay profile will be generated and the Roubler and SimplePay employee linked together
New Roubler company, existing SimplePay customer
If the customer already has their own SimplePay account we want to avoid creating duplicate employee records when we import their existing employee’s into Roubler.
As soon as the company in Roubler has been integrated with SimplePay, when we add a new employee or update an existing employee, if we have not already linked the Roubler and SimplePay employees a duplicate record will be created in SimplePay when the employee syncs.
There are two ways we can import employee and link them to SimplePay:
Employee Import Template method
This is the preferred method as we are using existing SimplePay data when importing employees to Roubler
The first method integrates with the existing SimplePay company however, we import the employee details into Roubler based off employee details which already exist in SimplePay.
There are some key SimplePay ids we can include in the import to ensure the new Roubler employee is linked to the existing SimplePay employee.
Create company in Roubler
Integrate with existing SimplePay company
Request an extract of the SimplePay employee details from the technical team
Using the employee data, complete the full import employee template
Ensure the reference in the employee import template matches the employee/number column from the SimplePay extract - the reference in Roubler is included in roster, timesheets and pay run exports, this maps to the SimplePay employee number when importing
Ensure the externalId in the employee import template matches the employee/id column from the SimplePay extract - the externaId is the key which links the Roubler employee to the SimplePay employee, without this matching the existing SimplePay employee a duplicate SimplePay employee will be created
Import employee template
This method requires more data manipulation however, the employee details in SimplePay will in most cases be correct already. Importing these into Roubler saves the employee or administrator having to update information the employee has already provided their employer.
More details on the employee import template below
If you wanted to import employees using the template but do not want them to sync to SimplePay, you can add a dummy value in the externalId field. We will attempt to use this value to sync to SimplePay, adding a dummy value means we are not trying to sync to a valid SimplePay employee. These externalId values will need to be updated to the correct values before syncing to SimplePay, this will need to be completed by the technical team.
Demo SimplePay company method
Arguably this method is no longer required however, you may use this method if the customer wants to setup their employees themselves
The second method integrates Roubler with a demo SimplePay company.
Once all the employee are imported and their details have been confirmed as correct we need to extract the existing SimplePay employee ids and manually link the Roubler employee to the SimplePay employee.
Create company in Roubler
Create demo company in SimplePay
Integrate Roubler with a demo SP company - from this point any employee which syncs to SimplePay will sync to the demo company, not the customers existing company avoid creation of duplicate employees
Import the employee’s into Roubler
If employee details are incomplete i.e. banking details or tax declarations, request the employees login and update missing details
Request an extract of the SimplePay employee data from the technical team
Request an extract of the Roubler employee information
Use VLOOKUP to map the existing SimplePay employee/id to the Roubler employee id - employee emails or tax file numbers are ideal to match on
Once the Roubler employee id can be matched to the correct SimplePay employee/id provide this data to the technical team and request to link these employees manually
This method requires less data manipulation however, if the employee details in Roubler differ from SimplePay, once these employees are linked the SimplePay employee will be overwritten based on the data in Roubler
Employee Import Template
How to:
Use a YYYY-MM-DD date format for all dates in import templates
Adding SimplePay reference and externalId values based on a VLOOKUP function will reduce chances of human error when copying data
Download the full employee import template from Settings > Importers > Employees > Full template
Request an extract of the SimplePay employee details from the technical team
Using the data from the SimplePay extract, populate required fields in the employee import template, noted below the employee/id and employee/number in green
Ensure the reference in the employee import template matches the employee/number column from the SimplePay extract
Ensure the externalId in the employee import template matches the employee/id column from the SimplePay extract
Complete remaining fields based on company configuration
Import the template from Settings > Importers > Employees > Next > Upload employee import template > Next > Map any required fields > Next
Verify the data to import, add any required information
Note the external ID has been added for each employee, this mean this employee in Roubler will link to this SimplePay employee id
Import All
Employee’s successfully created in Roubler
The correct SimplePay reference has been assigned to these employee’s
No duplicate employees in SimplePay
Recent activity in SimplePay shows additional or changed data syncing from Roubler
Reference Numbers
SimplePay employee number, found in the employee profile in SimplePay and employee reference in Roubler
If the reference is changed in Roubler, this will not flow back to SimplePay and will cause issues processing payroll
External Id/service_employee.key
This is the value which is used to link an employee between Roubler and SimplePay. It can be found in the URL in SimplePay when selecting an employee, or in an employee details extract as employee/id.
SimplePay configuration settings
SimplePay employee number / Roubler employee reference
If the employee number mode in SimplePay is set to Automatic, when the SimplePay employee is created there is a one-time sync of the SimplePay employee number back to the Roubler employee profile.
SimplePay > Company > Settings > Employee Numbers > Employee number mode
If the reference is changed in Roubler, this will not flow back to SimplePay and will cause issues processing payroll
Custom employee fields
You can configure custom employee fields in SimplePay, if these are set as required fields you will see the following error when attempting to sync an employee:
Error: {"base":["<field_name> can't be blank","<field_name> can't be blank"]}
Explanation: When we attempt to sync an employee to SimplePay we cannot map these fields in Roubler and the sync fails.
Resolution: In SimplePay navigate to the Company > Settings > Advanced > Custom Employee Fields > Uncheck required for each field_name appearing in the error message
Legal name format
You can configure legal name format for employees in SimplePay, this will change now the employee first and last name fields sync from Roubler. Using single name will only sync the first name field in Roubler.
SimplePay > Company > Employees > Select employee > Edit Info > Basic info > Legal name format
Known issues
RB-6967 - Bank name mapping for SimplePay SA/SG customers
RB-6967 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Currently the column headers in the SA/SG employee import template and the employee bank account template are not mapping to the indicated field in Roubler.
maps to accountType
maps to bankInstitutionName
bank id needs to be used in place of the bank name, country_banks.csv below file can be used to find bank ids for SA/SG
When adding eft_manual bank details in these locales you will need to use the following format:
= bank id 10 for Bank of TranskeibankAccountNumber
= employee bank account numberbankBranch
= employee bank branch numberbankInstitutionName
= Account Type id i.e. Cheque, Savings etc see below
Account Type |
id |
Current (Cheque) |
1 |
Savings |
2 |
Transmission |
3 |
Bond |
4 |
Subscription Share |
6 |
When importing, bank account details are correctly mapped
RBB-25 - Unable to import full SG address
RBB-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS
At present SG addresses contain a required field Block or house number
in the Home Address area. The template does not account for this field, these details are generally entered into the addressLine1
field instead.
Excel formatting
By default Excel will strip leading zero’s from values and reformat your date fields.
Where Ids or bank account numbers begin with a leading zero you will need to add a formula to the field to avoid manually updating these ids:
In this example our bank branch should have 6 digits and keep the leading zero. We can use TEXT formula in a new column to achieve this and then copy the values back to the original cell:
=TEXT(<YOUR CELL>,"000000")
YOUR CELL is the cell you want to reference, the “000000” indicates how many digits should be present. If only 5 digits exists in your cell the Excel will add a leading zero:
Double check your date fields are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD:
Highlight date column(s) > Home ribbon > Format > Format Cells > Date > YYYY-MM-DD format
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