The super contributions report is available from the 'Payroll Reporting' section. It allows you to view all super contributions over a period of time.
The Super Contributions Report screen requires the following details:
Date range (chosen by clicking on the calendar icon) - note, if you are using automated super payments to pay your super (via super payments in the payroll reports menu) you can also filter this report to print your super batch, just click on the link Date Range.
Pay Schedules - Includes all pay schedules, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, and any other custom schedules that have been set up.
- Filter by Employing Entity if you are using this feature
- Locations - Options include all locations, or specific locations that have been set up already.
- Employee
- Super contribution type
- Group by - Employee or super fund
From the results, you are able to display it in a number of ways.
Expand all - Will show each employee and their locations including dates and amounts of super payments.
Collapse all - Will merely show the amount paid in super contributions
Show all employees - Will show each employee and how much their total super contribution (but not each separate payment).
You are also able to export this report to CSV (accruals and payments) or PDF simply by clicking on the corresponding buttons to the right of screen.
In addition to supporting the accruals and payments CSV and Excel files, the super contributions report allows you to download the super contributions in CSV formats for select superannuation clearing houses.
You can simply click on the clearing house export of your choice and they will be downloaded as a CSV.
**NOTE the system does not have a direct integration with any of the above clearing houses and can only supply a CSV export. The payment and management of those funds through the above clearing houses is the responsibility of the payroll administrator.
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