Management > Payroll > Payroll Settings > ATO Supplier Settings
These details are used to populate the supplier information when generating reports to be submitted to the ATO.
Select from one of the three options to determine who will be submitting reports to the ATO on behalf of this business:
- As the employer: Select this option if no external TAX/BAS agent will be lodging submissions to the ATO on the business's behalf and there is only one employing entity set up in the business.
- As a registered Tax/BAS agent: Select this option if an external TAX/BAS agent will be lodging submissions to the ATO on the business's behalf, even if there is one or more employing entity set up in the business.
- As an intermediary for multiple employing entities: Select this option if the employer is lodging all ATO submissions and there is more than one employing entity set up in the business.
Then fill out the required fields as detailed in the sections below.
To get a head start on filling out these fields, click Copy from Business Settings. This will automatically populate some of the necessary fields based on the company details you have already entered.
As the employer
If you have selected "As the Employer", you will be required to complete the following information:
- ABN*
- Branch Number
- Name*
- Address Line 1*
- Address Line 2
- Suburb*
- Contact Name*
- Signatory Name (only required to be completed if you want the name on the payment summaries to be different to that entered in the 'Contact Name' field above)
- Phone Number*
- Fax Number
Is this employer exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986? (If you select Yes here, a dropdown list will appear and you will need to select what exemption the business falls under. This setting is crucial as it will be used in determining what FBT amounts are exempt and taxable when submitting pay data to the ATO.
*Mandatory fields
As a registered TAX/BAS agent
TAX/BAS agent details
The additional details required to be completed pertain specifically to the TAX/BAS Agent themselves and are as follows:
- Tax Agent Number*
- ABN*
- Contact Name*
- Phone Number*
- Contact Email*
*Mandatory fields
Business details
- ABN*
- Branch Number
- Name*
- Address Line 1*
- Address Line 2
- Suburb*
- Contact Name*
- Signatory Name (only required to be completed if you want the name on the payment summaries to be different to that entered in the 'Contact Name' field above)
- Phone Number*
- Fax Number
*Mandatory fields
As an intermediary for multiple employing entities
This setting is broken up in 2 sections: (a) the Intermediary details and (b) the Business details. The business details fields required to be completed are identical to the "As the Employer" details above.
You can choose one of the employing entities to act as the Intermediary or another entity of the business.
The additional details required to be completed pertain specifically to the Intermediary themselves and are as follows:
- ABN*
- Contact Name*
- Phone Number*
- Contact Email*
*Mandatory fields
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