Field Name |
Data Type |
Notes |
EmployeeId |
Number |
Title |
Text |
Valid values: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr |
PreferredName |
Text |
FirstName |
Text |
MiddleName |
Text |
Surname |
Text |
PreviousSurname |
Text |
DateOfBirth |
Number |
Gender |
Text |
Valid values: Male, Female |
ExternalId |
Number |
ResidentialStreetAddress |
Text |
ResidentialAddressLine2 |
Text |
ResidentialCity |
Text |
ResidentialCounty |
Text |
ResidentialPostCode |
Text |
ResidentialCountry |
Text |
This field only needs to be completed if ResidentialAddressIsManuallyEntered = True |
ResidentialAddressIsManuallyEntered |
Text |
Valid values: True, False |
PostalStreetAddress |
Text |
PostalAddressLine2 |
Text |
PostalCity |
Text |
PostalCounty |
Text |
PostalPostCode |
Text |
PostalCountry |
Text |
This field only needs to be completed if PostalAddressIsManuallyEntered = True |
PostalAddressIsManuallyEntered |
Text |
Valid values: True, False |
EmailAddress |
Text |
HomePhone |
Number |
WorkPhone |
Number |
MobilePhone |
Number |
StartDate |
Number |
EndDate |
Number |
date that employment was terminated (If employee has finalised their employment) |
ContinuousEmploymentDate |
Number |
Tags |
Text |
Pipe (‘|’) separated list of tags to associate with this employee |
JobTitle |
Text |
PaySchedule |
Text |
Corresponds to the name of a Pay Schedule that you have already created. For example ‘Weekly’ |
PrimaryPayCategory |
Text |
Corresponds to the name of a Pay Category that you have already created. For example ‘Full Time – Standard’ |
PrimaryLocation |
Text |
Corresponds to the fully qualified name of a Location that you have already created. |
PaySlipNotificationType |
Text |
Valid values: Email, SMS, Manual, None |
RosteringNotificationChoices |
Text |
Rate |
Number |
How much is the employee paid (may be specified as a ‘per hour’ or ‘per annum’ value) |
RateUnit |
Text |
Valid values: Hourly, Annually, Daily |
HoursPerWeek |
Number |
Standard number of hours per week for this employee |
AutomaticallyPayEmployee |
True/False |
Determines whether the employee's “standard weekly hours” are automatically added as earnings lines to a new pay run |
LeaveTemplate |
Text |
Name of the Leave Allowance Template to apply to this employee |
PayRateTemplate |
Text |
Name of the Pay Rate Template to apply to this employee |
PayConditionRuleSet |
Text |
Name of the pay condition rule set to assign to this employee |
IsEnabledForTimesheets |
Text |
Valid values: Enabled, Disabled, EnabledForExceptions |
Locations |
Text |
Pipe (‘|’) separated list of fully qualified locations that this employee works at |
WorkTypes |
Text |
Pipe (‘|’) separated list of work types to enable this employee to submit timesheets for |
EmergencyContact1_Name |
Text |
EmergencyContact1_Relationship |
Text |
EmergencyContact1_Address |
Text |
EmergencyContact1_ContactNumber |
Text |
EmergencyContact1_AlternateContactNumber |
Text |
EmergencyContact2_Name |
Text |
EmergencyContact2_Relationship |
Text |
EmergencyContact2_Address |
Text |
EmergencyContact2_ContactNumber |
Number |
EmergencyContact2_AlternateContactNumber |
Number |
BankAccount1_AccountNumber |
Text |
BankAccount1_AccountName |
Text |
BankAccount1_AllocatedPercentage |
Text |
Use 100 to nominate remaining balance |
BankAccount1_FixedAmount |
Text |
Percentage or Fixed amount may be specified. |
BankAccount2_SortCode |
Text |
BankAccount2_AccountNumber |
Text |
BankAccount2_AccountName |
Text |
BankAccount2_AllocatedPercentage |
Text |
Use 100 to nominate remaining balance |
BankAccount2_FixedAmount |
Text |
Percentage or Fixed amount may be specified. |
BankAccount3_SortCode |
Text |
BankAccount3_AccountNumber |
Text |
BankAccount3_AccountName |
Text |
Use 100 to nominate remaining balance |
BankAccount3_FixedAmount |
Text |
Percentage or Fixed amount may be specified. |
NationalInsuranceNumber |
Text |
NationalInsuranceCalculationMethod |
Text |
NationalInsuranceCategory |
Number |
PayrollId |
Number |
TaxCalculationMethod |
Text |
TaxCode |
Text |
EmployeeStatement |
Text |
IsCompanyDirector |
Text |
EmployeePaidIrregularly |
Text |
StudentLoanType |
Text |
PensionAssessmentOption |
Text |
PensionContributionGroup |
Text |
AssessmentDate |
Number |
AssessmentStatus |
Text |
OptInDate |
Number |
EmployeeStarterType |
Text |
IsExemptFromMinimumWage |
Text |
IsApprentice |
Text |
PreviousEmployerOfficeNumber |
Text |
PreviousEmployerOfficeNumber |
Text |
PreviousEmployerReferenceNumber |
Text |
PreviousEmployerLeavingDate |
Text |
PreviousEmployerTaxablePay |
Text |
PreviousEmployerTaxWithheld |
Text |
PreviousEmployerStudentLoanDeductions |
Text |
PreviousEmployerW1M1 |
Text |
PreviousEmployerTaxCode |
Text |
PreviousEmployerTaxPeriodFrequency |
Text |
PreviousEmployerTaxPeriodNumber |
Text |
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