Standard vs contracted hours
It's important to distinguish between Contracted hours and Standard hours, which sound similar but do distinctly different things.
Contracted hours is an optional setting that allows you to specify the maximum hours an employee can work, according to their contract.
Standard hours is different, in that it defines the specific days and times that an employee works as standard. This include the shift start time, end time and break times for each day that the employee is due to work.
Set up company-wide standard and contracted hours
- Click Management > Settings > Default standard hours
- This does not apply for casual employees.
Set up standard and contracted hours for individual employees
Managers can add an employee's standard hours and contracted hours into the Roubler system.
Click Management > Employees
Choose an employee
Click Edit
Click Roster, Time and Attendance
- Click Add standard hours
- Enter Standard hours commencement date - this should be the date from which these standard hours apply (i.e. the first week the employee will be rostered on)
- Check Add these standard hours to roster to enable the functionality to automatically add an employee's standard hours to the roster when building a roster.
- Check Lock the roster to these standard hours for employees with set hours. This will then trigger a request to the employee if they are rostered on outside these hours. From there, they can then choose to accept or decline the shift.
- Enter the Contracted hours (i.e. the number of hours an employee is contracted to work)
- Enter the employee's Standard hours. Note: total Standard hours must match or exceed the total Contracted hours specified.
- Day of week
- Location
- Position
- Shift time
- Break time
- Click Add week to add an additional week as required. You can add standard hours for a maximum of two weeks only. If you do add a week, ensure the value in the Contracted hours field is equal to the total number of hours for the two week period.
- Ensure Week 1 corresponds with the Commencement date.
- Click Save standard hours
- IMPORTANT: Once saved, open the standard hours again by clicking on the new new standard hours that have been created.
- Click Sync Standard Hours. This will sync the standard hours through to payroll and assist with things like calculating overtime.
Alerts for standard and contracted hours
Standard hours:
If an employee's Standard hours are changed, a popup will appear alerting a manager that this is a change to their usual pattern. The employee will also be notified. This helps ensure compliance when an employee's standard shift pattern is changed and the manager and employee need to be notified.
- If a roster is built exceeding an employees Contracted hours, an alert will appear on applicable shifts in the roster. It is important for managers to be aware that overtime fees may apply, and that the contract with the employee is being breached. Managers can choose to reduce the employee's hours or delete the shift accordingly. This alert can be switched on/off or be made a blocker or just a warning.
Read this article for more information about how to set up alerts.
How can I enable this feature?
Contracted hours requires the "create timesheets" function to be enabled in Management > Leave types.
What else should I know?
- Pre-approved leave will be updated if there is a change to standard hours. For example, if an employee's standard hours are typically Monday-Friday 9 AM-5 PM, but it changed to Wednesday-Sunday (3 PM to 11 PM), the pre-approved upcoming leave would be updated into the new standard hours. This does not apply to temporary variations.
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