Login Error |
Incorrect Username of Password

This error can appear for multiple reasons, all of which are easy to resolve:
- Employee is using the incorrect password
- Employee is using the incorrect username
- Employee has not started onboarding so they do not have a username or password yet
Scenario 1 - Employee is using the incorrect password You can ask them to reset their own password by heading to app.roubler.com, having them click the 'Forgot Password' button and then they need to enter their 'Username' to receive a code. Passwords MUST be 8 characters long, have 1 x capital letter, 1 x lower case letter, 1 x number, 1 x special character e.g. Roubler123!
Once they receive this code, they need to enter it on the above screen to gain access. It is important that the employee is entering the CORRECT username for their reset code otherwise they will not receive this - the employee must also check their JUNK Mail as these emails can sometimes be sent there.
Alternatively, as an Administrator, you can reset the employees password by heading to Management > Employees > Search Name > Click 'Edit Pencil' > Click into their 'Settings' tab > select 'Reset Password' and provide them with the password. IMPORTANT: Once the employee logs in, they MUST reset their password by clicking on their name in the top right, selecting 'My Details', 'Settings' tab, 'Reset Password'.
Scenario 2 - Employee is using the incorrect username It is common and likely that the employee is entering the INCORRECT Username OR that they misspelt their username when they initially created their account. It is important to have them advise This is an easy fix and can be done by heading to Management > Employees > Search Name > Click 'Edit Pencil' > Click into their 'Settings' tab > select 'Update Login Username' > Set new Username > Save Advise the employee of their new username or corrected username and they will be able to login successfully.
Scenario 3 - Employee has not started onboarding so they do not have a username or password yet
To check this, simply head to Management > Employees > Search Name > If they have an 'Envelope' on the right of the page, they are still 'Invited' and have NOT yet clicked the email invite link & 'created account'. Ask the employee to check their inbox & JUNK mail to locate the invite, click the link & if they have never used Rouber before, they MUST select 'Create New Account. If they have used Roubler before and already have an account, they can select 'Existing User Account' which will link their existing profile to your Company.
If the employee is unable to locate the invite email, you can 'Resend Link' by clicking on the 'Envelope' and then entering a new email address OR mobile - please ensure this is spelt correctly.
If you are ever unable to type in a new email/mobile, simply reload your page and try again and it should appear.
Login Error
Oh No! We had an issue retrieving your data. If the issue persists, please contact support.

If your employee gets this error when they try to login, it generally means that their employee profile has been archived/deleted
To resolve this issue you will need to restore the employee profile. To do this follow the below steps:
- Head to Management > Settings > Restore Employee > Locate Employee Name > Select 'Restore Employee' on the right - You will then need to go to Management > Employees > Search name > Click the 'Edit Pencil' to open profile - You now need to determine what the reason was for deleting the Employees profile. - If it was deleted by mistake then you can keep the Profile active and advise the Employee that they will now be able to login successfully - If there was a reason that the Employee Profile was deleted then you will need to determine if you need to keep it active or delete the profile again - If you need to delete it again, click within the 'Employment Status' tab & select 'Delete'. Generally speaking, Employees should be 'Terminated' in the system if they are no longer employed with you. The 'Delete' option is generally used for accidents/duplicate profiles.
Login Error
Oh no! Supplied location or company header cannot be accessed. If the issue persists, please contact support.
Mobile App:


This could be cause by one of the following reasons:
- The User has not completed the onboarding
- The User is using an old version of the app
- There is an issue with their Primary location
- There is an issue with their Location access
- Their Username is disconnected from their profile
Scenario 1 - The User has not completed their onboarding. To check if this employee is still 'Onboarding', head to 'Management > Employees > Click on the 'Filter' icon in the top right > Select 'Status: Onboarding' > Select 'Apply' > Search Employee Name. If they appear, it means they have not finished onboarding.
Instead of the employee going back to their 'invite', they should be able to login and complete their onboarding by heading to app.roubler.com on a desktop (do not advise them to use the mobile app).
They will then need to finalize ALL onboarding fields required by your company. Provide the following article for your employees to read through so they understand all areas that need to be completed. CLICK HERE
Scenario 2 - The employee is using an old version of the app If they do not have automated updates on their device for their apps, please ask them to install recent update.
If this does not work, please have them uninstall and re-install the app.
Scenario 3 & 4 - There is an issue with their Primary location To check if the error is occurring due to their location access, head to Management > Employees > Search Employee > Click 'Edit Pencil > Click into 'Location Access' tab.
The employee MUST have a 'Primary Location' at the top & matching 'Child Location/Permission Group' underneath - below shows the correct setup of location access:
 If they do not have a Primary Location & a Child Location, simply use the '+' icons to add these into each section.
If the location access appears correctly, it may be due to the 'Location' being archived/deleted. To check this, head to Management > Settings > Edit Location > Use the Search Icon to locate the name, if it appears it is 'Active', if it does not appear, click on the 'tick box' to 'show archived' - you can then 'restore/unarchive'. Once this has been restored, the employee will be able to login successfully.
Scenario 5 - Their Username is disconnected from their profile First you will need to check their employee profile to see if a Username is connected to their account & if there is, note this down and advise the employee. The employee can then login with this username by heading to app.roubler.com and entering their password - they will most likely need to then finalize their onboarding.
If the employee status is 'Active' and they do not want to use this username, you are able to update their username within their employee profile by heading to Management > Employees > Search Name > Click 'Edit Pencil' > Click into the 'Settings' tab > Select 'Update Username' and enter the one they would prefer & 'Save'.
It is possible that the employee clicked the invite link initially, set a username/password and then did not continue the onboarding process. They have then later headed back to the link, clicked again and then selected 'Create New Account' again but this time set a different Username.
If none of the above work, please raise a support request ticket with the Roubler Support Team and ensure you include Employee Full Name, Company, Email Address, Username so we can have our technical team assist.
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