In order to be able to login to Roubler, your employer will first need to 'Invite' you to create an account within their Roubler System, once you receive the invite and click the link, you will need to Create your Username/Password & the most important step is to fill in ALL Onboarding details required by your employer & submit your Final Declaration.
If you have not received an email/mobile invite, you must reach out to your Employer first to ensure they have created your account & to also ensure they have sent the invite to the correct email/mobile number.
This article will outline all the steps required to create your account but it is important to read through the below important items before getting started:
- Employee must complete ALL onboarding requirements set by their employer, your profile will not become active and your employer will be unable to pay you until this has been completed in full
- It is the responsibility of the Employee to fill in all required fields
- If your employer has successfully sent an invite & confirmed the email address/mobile address is correct but you have not been able to locate the 'invite' - please ensure you check your junk mail to locate
All Employees must reach out to direct employer as the first point of contact when experiencing login/account creation issues so that your employers admin/payroll/onboarding team can troubleshoot - if they have completed all relative checks and are unable to identify what is occurring, they will then need to reach out to Roubler Support with the following details:
- Company Name
- Employee Full Name
- Employee Email Address
- Employee Mobile
- Employee Date of Birth
- Employee Address
- What areas they have checked to troubleshoot - Onboarding requirements are configured by your Employer and vary from Employer to Employer, if you have any issues/concerns about the information your employer is requesting from you, you must reach out to them directly to discuss
- Each tab needs a green tick next to it
- Employee needs to ensure they 100% Sign & Complete the Final Declaration in order for their account to be activated
- For security & compliance reasons, Roubler Support is unable to make adjustments to employee details & adjustments must be made by the Employee or Employer Admin Team
- In addition to the above, Roubler Support is unable to 'complete' any onboarding requests on behalf of employees
Step 1 - Locate your Roubler Invite
- Your Employer will have set your details up within their System and sent you a Email OR Mobile Invite to 'create your account'
- Open your inbox to locate the email (or open the text message they sent you)
- If the email is not in your inbox, please ensure you check your JUNK Mail as it may have been sent there
- The email will look like the below if you are new to using the Roubler. If you are using a shared computer, before clicking the 'Go to Onboarding' link, it is imperative that no other users are logged into Roubler - if nobody else is logged in, simply click the 'Got to onboarding' link
- Mobile invite will look similar to the below but will have your Company Name in it
Step 2 - Create Username & Password
- Once you have clicked the invite link, you will then see the below page & will need to select 'Create a New Account'
- Once you have selected 'Create a New Account' you MUST fill in all of the following details & ensure you select 'Sign Up'
- Username: Set the username you wish to login under e.g. personal email address, work email address, mobile number
- Set a Password: You MUST have a minimum of 8 Characters & must include 1 x capital letter, 1 x lower case Letter, 1 x number & 1 x special character e.g. Roubler123&
- You must then select 'Sign Up'
Step 3 - Complete ALL Onboarding Requirements set by your Employer
- You will then see the below page where you must 'accept' the Roubler Terms of use & privacy + complete ALL onboarding requirements that appear in the left hand side
- To have a quick look at how to complete onboarding, click the following link to view a short 'loom video' which outlines the various areas you need to complete -
- Your employer specifies 'what' information you are required to input during onboarding
- Some pages require you to electronically sign, tick boxes, fill in personal information, tax details, upload documents, connect superannuation/pension information depending on where your company is based
- Each section on the left needs to be have a 'green tick' next to it to identify it has been completed in full in order for your account to be officially ACTIVATED in Roubler and for you to start being paid from the system (see below) - If you DO NOT complete each section, on the 'Final Declaration' page, you will not be able to complete onboarding until ALL remaining fields in red are filled in (below)
- When you have successfully filled in ALL fields, you can then sign your final declaration, tick the boxes & then select 'Sign & Complete'
- Once SUCCESSFULLY ONBOARDED, you will see a 'SUCCESS' message at the bottom of your screen, as below:
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