As a Manager, you can now add multiple standard hours with different commencement dates for employees. Please follow the steps below.
This guide is divided into four sections: for the first part: A. How to Add Multiple Standard Hours, B. How to Add Saved Standard Hours in the Roster, C. How to send temporary standard hours request to employees and D. Other notes.
Part A. How to Add Multiple Shift Patterns
1. On the Dashboard click Management > Employees
2. You will then be redirected to the Employee Profile page, Choose an employee in the employee table. Once you’ve chosen an employee, click on the Roster, Time & Attendance tab
3. In this page, you will be able to see the Standard hours table.
- The employee profile will display old, current and future standard hours for the employee.
4. To add a shift pattern, click on the Add standard hours button
- Fill out all the necessary fields. (Commencement Date, the Day, Location, Shift Start Time, Shift End Time, Break Start Time, Break End Time.)
- Commencement Date - Select a commencement date for the standard hours
- You can only add standard hours of 1 to 2 weeks. (Click the Add week button seen beside the Week 1 tab to add the second week)
- Click the Save standard hours button, once you’ve done filling out all the fields.
- You can now add multiple standard hours for an employee with different commencement dates.
- Just repeat Step 4.
- To enable the ability for saved standard hours to be added to a roster, simply tick the "Add these standard hours to Roster" checkbox.
- Roubler has the ability to speed up rostering by allowing you to add all employees with standard hours to the roster by clicking the "Add Standard Hours" in Roubler's Roster feature.
- Adding the standard hours to the roster will get the employees active standard hours for the week.
- If this is not ticked, you won't be able to add the standard hours to the roster.
- To enable the ability to lock the standard hours to the roster, simply tick the "Lock the roster to these standard hours" checkbox.
- If this is ticked - you can add the standard hours to the roster page, but you won't be able to edit the shift timings and would require a Temporary Vary Standard Hours request to be sent to the employee, then the employee would need to accept the request. Once the employee accepts the amended shift, the manager will be able to publish the shift.
- If this is not ticked - you can add the standard hours to the roster page and you'd still be able to edit the shift timings without needing to send a Temporary Vary Standard Hours request to the employee.
- You can add the employee's contracted hours in the Contracted hours field
5. Standard hours can be deleted, simply click the Delete button (seen beside the Sync Standard Hours button)
6. Standard Hours can only be synced to RoublerPay (Roubler's Payroll Engine) manually from the employee profile, to sync the standard hours to RoublerPay, simply click the Sync Standard Hours button (seen beside the Delete button)
- Once the standard hours are synced, they should be saved in RoublerPay.
- Standard hours cannot be edited. If you need to make changes to the standard hours, you will be required to create the standard hours group new from scratch.
- You cannot create a standard hours group with the same commencement date as an existing group. You will need to delete the old group and create the new one.
When adding standard hours to the roster, there are certain rules the system will use to implement the correct standard hours: see below list for the rules.
Active Standard Hours Rules:
• should select the most recent standard hours
• should ignore standard hours that have not started yet
• should ignore concluded standard hours
• should prefer temporary standard hours over permanent standard hours if the same commencement date
• should prefer the most recent temporary standard hours
Part C. How to send temporary standard hours request to employees?
Precondition: Should accomplish Part A and Part B. There should be existing standard hours displayed in the Roster.
In this part, we will continue from Part B.
1. Click the shift you would like to temporarily change shift's time/date then proceed on clicking the Temporarily Vary Standard Hours button
2. A modal will then appear. In this modal, you have the option to send an Emergency Request or a Non-emergency Request. Simply go to the correct tab.
- If you are sending an Emergency Request, click the Emergency Request tab, and click the Non-emergency Request tab with when you are sending a Non-emergency Request.
- Make necessary changes on the standard hours, then upon editing, click the Send Request button to send the request to the employee.
- The temporary standard hours will be displayed as colour blue and the status will be Pending.
- If the employee has accepted your request, the shift will still be unpublished but the status will be Accepted and the blue alert bar will disappear.
- The new temporary standard hours will be displayed on the employee's Standard Hours table.
- Temporary standard hours will have a concluding date in them.
Part D. Other notes
• Applying for leave should match the active standard hours for that week.
• Standard hours reports should show accepted temporary standard hourfor that week.
• The position is locked (hidden) in the standard hours table if the "lock position" in the company settings is on and the employee has a position assigned.
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