There are currently 2 parts to terminating an employee. The first is to remove the employees’ access and changing notification settings in Roubler and the second will be to terminate them in Payroll.
Removing employee access to Roubler and disabling notifications
Roubler restricts permanent removal of employee records. Instead we use a concept called Archiving.
1. To Archive an employee, open up the Employee Settings section by clicking Management > Settings.
2. Right at the bottom just beside the Save button, click "Archive" to remove the employee from the employee list and exclude them from all reportings.
Terminating the Employee in Payroll
Terminating an employee via the pay run.
1. To do this, click on the employee within the pay run and then from the blue “Actions” button select “Terminate Employee”
2. A pop up will appear where you will be prompted to enter the employees termination date. Then click Save.
3. The employee's record will turn pink (as an indicator it is in termination mode) and will display calculated earnings and any accrued leave to be paid out as part of the termination pay.
With regards to the section on "Leave Taken":
Any leave category setup to be paid out on termination will automatically be calculated as part of the termination pay. If you do not wish for this to occur, deselect the "Pay out" option;
• If any leave loading associated to a leave category (for e.g. annual leave loading) is to be paid out, you will need to select the "Apply x% loading" checkbox;
• If you want to pay out a balance for an associated leave category that does not have the "Pay out" option automatically selected, you will need to manually select this option;
• Any leave categories setup to not accrue automatically will not appear in this section.
N.B. If the employee is set up to be paid default standard hours each pay and is terminated mid-pay period; the employee's hours will automatically be recalculated on a pro-rata basis. We strongly suggest you double check these hours to ensure they are correct.
Once you have finalised the pay run, this employee will no longer be active or eligible to be included in future pay runs and the employee line will be highlighted red.
Note: If there are any unfinalised pay runs for the employee, you will not be able to terminate until those pay runs have been finalised.
Cancelling a Termination
If you want to cancel the termination, click on the blue "Actions" box within the employee's pay details and then click on "Cancel Termination".
Termination Pays & PAYG
*Note: Regarding HELP payments on termination, as per the ATO, when working out Marginal Tax Rates you do not withhold any amount for:
• Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debts
• Student Start-up Loan (SSL) debts (includes ABSTUDY SSL debts)
• Trade Support Loan (TSL) debts
• Financial Supplement debts.
See here for further information.
If you have any questions or concerns on terminating employees, please drop us a line via
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