You can import sales forecast data in Roubler's business intelligence feature by using the provided .csv template.
IMPORTANT: Hourly forecasts must be imported - not daily or weekly forecasts - in for this data to work with the demand-based roster (sales integration) feature.
Download the .csv template
To locate and download the necessary .csv:
- Open Business Intelligence (Management > Business Intelligence)
- Click Import Sales Data.
- Click on Download Template and populate the downloaded template with your sales data. Instructions around data formatting can be found in the Guidelines section below. Alternatively, speak to our team about integrating your point of sale system with Roubler.
- The date should be formatted as follows: yyyy-mm-dd (2019-12-31)
- There should be no spaces in between rows
- Do not include any special characters except for periods(.)
- Do not include currency characters ($, ¥, £, etc.)
- Add only up to two decimal points
- Fill blank cells with 0
- Make sure to select the columns to be imported in the correct order (Forecast Sales, Actual Sales, Budget Hours, Budget Cost, Forecast Units, Actual Units)
- Include no more than 365 rows, including titles
- You can find a location's ID in Management > Settings > Edit Location. Click the Edit icon of the location and you'll be able to see the ID number between Location and Name.
Import your sales forecast data
To upload your template for importing:
- Click on the Import Sales Data button
- Toggle on the appropriate Data to import
- Drag and drop your sales data .csv file into the Import File box
- Click on the uploaded file to import.
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