This is an New Zealand article, relevant to all employees who work Full Time & Part Time and Casual for paid public holidays.
Please ensure that all of your Public Holidays have been added into Roubler. Please ensure that all of your Public Holidays have been added into Roubler. Click here for further information on how to add any Public Holidays if needed.
If using the Roster please see below 4 examples
Example 1. Employee is Rostered to work but is not working
Add all of your shift into the Roster, and edit all employees that are not working to add the work type 'Public Holiday not Worked'. To do this, click on the relevant shift in the Roster and click Edit
Then click Show Advanced, and from the Work Type menu, select Public Holiday not Worked.
The system will then recognise these shifts that are marked as a Public Holiday not Worked, and automatically approve these timesheets.
Example 2. Employee is Rostered to work and is working
Add all of your shift into the Roster, and edit all employees that are Rostered to and are working to add the work type 'Public Holiday Rostered Worked'. To do this, click on the relevant shift in the Roster and click Edit
Then click Show Advanced, and from the Work Type menu, select Public Holiday Rostered Worked.
The system will then recognise these shifts that are marked as a Public Holiday Rostered Worked, and pay accordingly.
Example 3. Employee is not normally Rostered to work and is working
Add all of your shift into the Roster, and edit all employees that are not Normally Rostered to work that are working to add the work type 'Public Holiday Worked - Not otherwise Working day'. To do this, click on the relevant shift in the Roster and click Edit
Then click Show Advanced, and from the Work Type menu, select Public Holiday Worked - Not otherwise Working day.
The system will then recognise these shifts that are marked as a Public Holiday Worked - Not otherwise Working day and pay accordingly.
Example 4. Employee is working a Alternate Public Holiday Mondayisation and the are not claiming the public holiday rates
Add all of your shift into the Roster, and edit all employees that are working on an Alternative Public Holiday to add the work type 'Alternative Public Holiday - Base Rate'. To do this, click on the relevant shift in the Roster and click Edit
Then click Show Advanced, and from the Work Type menu, select Alternative Public Holiday - Base Rate.
The system will then recognise these shifts that are marked as a Alternative Public Holiday - Base Rate and pay accordingly.
Example 5. Editing the Individual Timesheets
If the changes weren't made in the Roster and and a timesheet has been created, you can change the timesheets individually or in Bulk in the Time screen.
Select to sort by Day and find the date
You can change the individual timesheet by selecting the pencil (edit) of the employee you wish to change
Select the correct work type for the employee's Public Holiday from the drop down in Work Types, select save when you have finished.
Example 6. Editing the Bulk Timesheets
If the changes weren't made in the Roster and and a timesheet has been created, you can change the timesheets in Bulk in the Time screen.
Select to sort by Day and find the date
You can bulk select the timesheets by selecting the empty box next to employee
or select individual timesheets
Select the multiple select and select Modify
When presented with the Bulk Update Box select the correct work type for the employee's Public Holiday from the drop down in Work Types, enter a note and select save when you have finished.
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