RoublerDocs will effortlessly allow you to create templates, include signature blocks, send to multiple recipients, set up signature workflows, and keep track of all signed documents – all in just a few clicks!
This game-changing module can be accessed through the Documents page, offering a range of flexible permissions to ensure precise access for the right individuals.
The following article will touch of all the following points:
- Creating a new Document template
- How to locate & send Documents
- How to edit a Document before sending
- Viewing the 'status' of a Document e.g. Draft, In Progress, Completed, Voided
- Overview of Documents list and action buttons you can use e.g Resend, View, Edit, Void, AuditWhere to locate Received Documents on a specific Employee Profile OR all Documents
- How to void a Document
- How to view the Audit Trail of a Document e.g. When it was signed, if it was sent, pending etc...
- FAQ's
- What is coming next with this feature
Within the Documents Page, discover three exciting options:
Creating new Document Templates
Create new templates, edit existing ones, and send them to recipients with or without signing requirements.
Click on Document Template and then +
Give your template a name, determine if the document has pay related fields* and click Add
Use the HTML editor on the left to write, format, and stylize your document, adding Merge Tags as needed.
There are multiple formatting tools available, such as tables, bullets and numbering, and font size and colour, plus you can paste images into the editor to brand the document how you need it. Don’t forget to click Save when you’re done!
5. Once you have saved your template, you can then Preview the document, by applying an Employee from the dropdown to see the Merge Tags at work. Note, only users that have permissions to view the Employee and the associated data within the template, will see the Employee listed.
*Documents that contain pay-related dynamic fields will not be able to preview this info and they will not be signable by any person who does not have permissions to view employee pay information (excluding the recipient themselves).
How to locate Sent Documents
From this section, you can find a list of all documents sent via RoublerDocs, including their status. From here, you can also resend, view, and audit sent documents.
Sending a Document
Locate the template in the list and click the Send icon
From the slide out:
Name: this is the default template name. You can change this name to be specific for the person/people you are sending to, and it will not change the name of the template itself. Whatever you change this name to will reflect in the email the recipient receives relating to the document, the document saved against the recipient profile, and the Documents list.
Recipient: this is the Employee/s who’s data will update the Merge Tags. For example, if you choose John Smith as the recipient, and the template has Merge Tags such as “Name”, “Pay Rate” and “Reporting To” these fields will be updated with the actual data associated with John Smith in Roubler. Selecting a Recipient is for the purpose of updating Merge Tags, and who to send the document to, regardless if there are signatories or not. Selecting a recipient does not assume they need to sign the document. You can select more than one recipient. See FAQ for more information.
Signers: You can add one, many or no signers for a document. The order in which you add signers, is the order in which the document is sent for signing. For example, Signer 2 won’t receive the document to sign until Signer 1 has signed the document, etc. To add a signer, simply select their name from the drop down. To add more signers, select the Add Signer Button and to delete a signer, select the Delete icon. If you need the Recipient to sign, remember to add them as a signer at this step. If this is a document that doesn’t need any signing, simply delete the default Signer 1 option.
IMPORTANT: The signers that appear in the dropdown list are dependant on location access. The sender must have location access to the 'signer' in order for them to appear.
There are three options at the bottom of the slide out:
Send click send to send the document off, based on the parameters you have set out (step 2)
Create Draft see section “Edit a Document before Sending” for details
Cancel selecting cancel will discard the slide out and any information you have populated in the fields, and the document will not send. You will need to restart from Step 1 if this is selected by mistake.
After sending, signatories receive emails with a link to sign. For Signers/Recipients that have a Roubler Account, they will be prompted to sign in. For Recipients that do not have a Roubler Account (ie, a new starter that hasn’t had an onboarding invite yet), they will not need to sign in.
Edit a Document before Sending
RoublerDocs can be used for so much more than contracts! You can use this feature for a range of other things, such as procurement request, performance management and sending policy updates!
So that you can use this feature as flexibly as you need, we have added the ability to edit a template before you send it. Gone are the days of finding a Word template, saving as a new document, then filling it out. Instead, use RoublerDocs!
Create a template - don’t forget to save it!
Find your template in the Document Templates page and click the Send icon
Follow the steps in “Sent Documents” section
Now, instead of clicking “send”, click on Create Draft
Your screen will change to bring the template into an edit view. Add any relevant text / make changes from here. Note, Merge Tags are not available in this screen, as a Recipient has already been selected.
Once you have made you changes, you can go ahead and Send
Going via this method allows you to make once-off changes to an existing template, without changing the Saved Template itself.
Here is an example of how you would use a Template for something like a Procurement request:
Ensure the Recipient is the person who will act on the Procurement itself
Add signers based on who would approve a procurement request
Select Create Draft - selecting this will allow you to once-off edit the template, without impacting the original template
Add relevant information, then click Send
This document will now go to the first signer. The signers along the way can also Create Draft and enter any additional information before signing the document.
The final recipient will receive the notification to sign, which will act as a trigger to complete the procurement.
Viewing the Status of a Document
At any time, you can view the status of any documents you have access to. With the relevant permissions, you can view the document itself, the audit history, as well as where the document is up to in the process. There are a few places you will be able to find this information:
Documents List:
On this page, you will see the following information:
Name | The document name that was confirmed/entered when sending |
Recipient | The employee to which the document pertains - their information will be the information that is populated via Merge Tags |
Status |
Where the document is up to in the process: - Draft a document saved as a draft for the template to be once-off updated. This has not been sent yet. - In Progress currently with a signer to sign - Completed the document has completed the full process and any required signatures have been applied - Voided document has been cancelled/voided and the process on the document has ceased. |
Sent at | Time and date the document was originally drafted or sent to the first signer |
Sent by | The employee who triggered the sending of the document |
Completed at | For documents with a status of Completed a time and date will show in the Completed At column, indicating when the last signer signed the document. |
There are also several action icons:
Resend | Allows you to quickly and easily resend the document. When selecting this, it will resend to the person that it is currently assigned to for signing. |
View | Allows you to view the document as the recipient/signer will see it (i.e. Merge Tags populated) and will allow you to see any signatures that have been added to the document. This view will also show you the audit history of the document, and who it is currently with. |
Edit | This icon will be enabled for documents in Draft only. This will allow you to make once-off changes to a template prior to sending. |
Void | Allows you to void the document (and apply a reason). If the document is voided, the document will still be accessible via the link, but will not be able to be signed. |
Audit |
Allows you to see a full audit trail of the document, including: - Recipient - Status - Document History |
Employee Profile
From the Employee’s profile, within the Documents and Notes section of the profile, you’ll see a table similar to what is seen via the Documents tab, that shows the document details and status, as well as action options.
The employee will also be able to see this information from their own login via their profile.
From the template itself, selecting the Preview icon will show a filtered list of all instances in which that particular template has been sent, along with it’s status.
Viewing the Audit Trail of a Document
A full audit history is available for every document that is sent from this feature. The audit trail can be accessed by selecting the icon against the document that you wish to review.
Name | The document name that was confirmed/entered when sending |
Recipient | The employee to which the document pertains - their information will be the information that is populated via Merge Tags |
Status | Where the document is up to in the process: Draft a document saved as a draft for the template to be once-off updated. This has not been sent yet. In Progress currently with a signer to sign Completed the document has completed the full process and any required signatures have been applied Voided document has been cancelled/voided and the process on the document has ceased. |
Document History |
Within the Document History you’ll find the following information: Sent Information For all sent documents, the first step of the Audit Trail is: Sent at this is the time and date the document was sent from Roubler to the first signer Sent by the name of the user who sent the document Signer/Recipient Information (status of Signed) Name the name of the signer Status whether the document has been signed. If it says signed then the signer has signed the document and the document is either complete or has moved to the next signer or recipient. If it says sent this means that the signer/recipient has been sent the document to sign, but they have not signed it yet. A Pending status means that that signer/recipient has not been sent the document yet, because signers before them have not signed the document. Signed at date and time the document was signed by the signer IP Address the IP address that the signature was applied from Location the city and country the signature was applied from Signer/Recipient Information (status of Sent) Name the name of the signer Status see description: Signer Information (status of Signed) Sent at the time and date that the document was sent to the signer Signer/Recipient Information (status of Pending) Name the name of the signer Status see description: Signer Information (status of Signed) Waiting for what needs to occur for them to receive the document to sign |
Voiding a Document
In the instance where a document has been prematurely sent, sent with errors, or simply not required any more, users with relevant permissions can Void a document.
From the Sent Documents list, select the trash can icon. Once selected, you will be prompted to enter a reason why the document is being voided. Once populated, select Void to void the document.
The document will show in the Sent Documents list with a status of Voided and can continue to be accessed and the audit trail available, however will not be able to be signed or resent.
How to locate Received Documents
The Received Documents page is a list of all documents that you as a user have interacted with as a signer. When a user has a document that needs their signing, they will receive an email notification, but will also be able to access the document from this page.
What's a Merge Tag? A Merge Tag is a handy placeholder. For example, if you select "Name" as the Merge Tag, the recipient's name will automatically populate when the document template is sent. Note that Merge Tags can only populate if the data exists within Roubler.
Is the document stored against the Recipient profile?
Yes! This can be accessed by the Employee (recipient) from their profile, as well as by users with permission to Employee Profiles, via the Documents and Notes tab of the Employee profile.
Can I resend a document?
Yes! If you need to retrigger the email to the person that the document is currently assigned to, you can do this by navigating to Sent Documents and selecting the paper plane icon.
Can I send a document to more than one person at a time?
Not quite yet, but this will be available in the next release - these release notes will be updated accordingly.
This is more than just a module – it's a revolution in document management. Explore, create, and streamline with Roubler's Document/Contract Management module!
What’s Coming Next in this Feature?
Next release:
Send to multiple employees at once
Signature blocks to allow you to place signatures where ever you want within the document
Auto export to PDF ready for download
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