Coming up to End of Financial Year in Australia Roubler have optimised some of the Tax File Number validation functionality.
We have identified that a number of employees who initially selected a tax exemption reason, however, did not remove the exemption when they later entered their TFN. Because the exemption was not removed, this has potentially implicated their Tax Declaration settings.
We encourage all customers as part of your preparation for End of Financial Year Reporting and Finalisation activity, please follow the below steps to identify any affected employees, then proceed to
- Go to the employee profile - Finance and Payroll
- reset the Tax Declaration setting to “Not claiming and exemption”
- re-enter their TFN per report export
1. Step One – REPORT ONE: download report identifying all employees who have TFN exemption codes. Go to Management / Reporting / Employee / Employee Details and select
- In Display Columns add Tax File Number and Termination Date and DOWNLOAD
- Open report and add filter (Data / Filter) Filter Tax File Number field to only display TFN Exemption Codes
- 000000000
- 111111111
- 333333333
- 444444444
2. Step Two – REPORT TWO: Download report showing TFN’s displayed on Employee List Page
- Go to Management / Employees in Roubler
- Add Column Header TFN to Employee page
- This will now appear as a Column Header and display all recorded TFN’s
- Apply employee filter Active and Terminated Employees, then Export CSV
- Step Three – Identify and update affected employees
- REPORT ONE - For each employee with a Tax Exemption code (000000000, 11111111, 333333333 or 444444444) check REPORT TWO to confirm if the two TFN numbers match
For those that do not match, you will need to make the follow amendment on their employee profile. Go to their employee profile - Finance and Payroll
- Update the Tax Declaration setting to “Not claiming an exemption”
- Copy the TFN from REPORT TWO and enter into the Tax File Number field and SAVE
If they have selected the Tax Exemption Option “I have made a separate application to the ATO” then the page will look slightly different as the Tax Exemption reason will be on the left hand side of the page.
- The same instruction applies. Select “Not claiming an exemption” from the drop down menu”
- And then proceed to enter the TFN as displayed in REPORT TWO
- Then Save.
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