Please note, this support document is for the legacy employee onboarding feature. For information on the new employee onboarding feature released in May 2022 please see this support document. This is currently only available for new customers who are in the implementation process with Roubler.
As a manager, you can onboard a new employee by going to Hire > Invite. (Please follow through the steps below)
Before beginning the onboarding process please ensure you drop down to the location you are employing the new hire to.
1. From your dashboard click Management > Hire
2. You will then be redirected to the Hire page, Click on Invite tab.
3. Complete each field of the Onboarding Invite (see the below example).
Please note the following when completing an onboarding invite:
- If the Employee is to work on a Pay Level within an Award or an Enterprise Agreement, then be sure to select Agreement and select a Pay Classification
- Initially set the Permission Group as 'Employee' (This can be changed once the employee attends their first day).
If you wish, a welcome note or instructions can be typed into the Optional Message space.
And finally, click on Send!
What happens next?
The Employee will receive an email with the Job Details and a link to start the onboarding process, like the below example.
What if the Employee says that they have not received an Onboarding Invite email?
Advise them to check their junk / spam mail folders, as the email may land in one of these folders from time to time.
To resend the invitation, navigate to your Employee Dashboard, and find their name. If you see the envelope as indicated below, this means that they have not authenticated their email and completed their onboarding process.
Click on the envelope to resend the invite and instruct your employee to complete this.
Alternatively, you can contact for assistance.
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