Pay rules and pay rule versions need conditions and actions that are evaluated by the rules engine to cost shifts or timesheets.
The rules engine takes a collection of timesheets or shifts for a single employee as input, runs through all of the conditions in the rule set to create matches, then turns matches into a collection of pay items.
Once all of the pay items have been created, they are costed using the pay level or pay rate for the employee, and additional information on the pay type, or on the higher level position if applicable.
First, create a pay rule and pay rule version.
If you’re a
admin, and working with global pay rules and pay rule versions see:
Edit the pay rule version
Anatomy of a rule
Rule name
This is the name of the rule, and provides a handy description of what the rule should do. This is particularly useful when combining conditions together, or when referring to a specific condition in an award document
Conditions (see below) can be combined together to perform complex operations. The kinds of logic you can use are:
of the following{all}
of the following{none}
of the following
To add a new set of conditions
To configure a condition
To combine conditions
To add a set of child conditions
To add an action
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