Payday filing consists of reporting Employee Details, Employment Information and Employment Information Amendments. This article specifically deals with Employee Details. Refer to the below articles for more information on the Employment Information and Amendment.
- Employment Information - via a manual upload or connection with IRD gateway service
- Employment Information Amendment - via a manual upload or connection with IRD gateway service
Employee Details reporting.. introduction
With payday filing, you will need to provide new and departing employee (and contractor) details to the Inland Revenue (IR). These details need to be submitted on or before any new employees' first payday. You should let your employee know that this information will now be provided to the IR.
If you rehire an employee after they stopped working for you, you must treat them as a new employee.
Employees can be added to the platform via Management > Hire > New Hire.
Instructions on how an employee can be terminated in the system can be found here.
Once a new employee has been set up in the platform there will be a note advising 'Employee information requires reporting to IRD' within the Details screen of the employee's file. This message will disappear once employee information has been reported to IR.
Additionally, an action item will appear on the payroll dashboard stating that there are new employees that have updated information that must be reported to the Inland Revenue Department.
Clicking on the 'Click to view' text will list the new employees that need to be reported.
Clicking on the 'Fix this' text will take you directly to the Reports > IRD Reporting > Employee Details report page.
Navigating the Employee Details report screen
You can access the Employee Details report by navigating to Reports > IRD Reporting > Employee Details report page. All new and updated existing employees will display on the screen for you to review details:
Similarly, if there is a terminated employee, the employee will also display highlighted in red. You can have a mixture of new and departing employees within the display based on the period.
If you want to report any other employees who have previously been reported, click on the 'Include previously uploaded employees" checkbox to include them in the report. Alternatively, you can manually add one or more specific employees to be reported by selecting the employee from the "Add Employee" dropdown.
You can always manually remove an employee from the list of employees to be reported by deleting them from the list. To do this, hover your mouse over the employee's details so that the red "x" icon appears. Click on that to complete the process of removing the employee:
Lastly, click on the "Run Report" button to get a refreshed list of employees that will be reported to IR. This button only acts to display what data will be reported to IR as opposed to actually reporting the data. The lodgement process, whether manual or via IR connection, is explained further below.
Validation of employee details
Prior to lodging your new/departing employees with IR, the system will undergo an initial validation check to ensure the accuracy of the data being reported. If any errors are identified, a "Warnings" tab will appear on the screen as follows:
You will not be able to progress with reporting employee data in the existing state until the warnings are fixed. Specifically, the "csv" button will be locked for manual upload users and "Upload to IRD gateway services" button will be locked for users connected to the IRD's gateway service. Click on the "Warnings" tab to get the details of the affected employee(s) and what the issue is that needs to be resolved:
Refer to our troubleshooting guide for further information and assistance on how to resolve warnings. Once the issues have been corrected, refresh the Employee Details screen so that the "Warnings" tab disappears. You can then report the employee details to IR via one of 2 methods:
Manual upload of Employee Details report
This section will explain how to report new and departing employees to IR if your payday filing method = Manual file upload to IRD.
To generate the payday filing employee details report, click on the 'CSV' button. Upon clicking on the 'CSV' button, the following 'Confirm Download' message will appear, clicking on the 'OK' button will confirm that you will upload the report to the IR.
If you are not intending to upload the report to IR upon downloading, then please click on the 'Cancel' button. You can go back to this page when you are ready to upload the report to the IR. However, remember these details need to be submitted on or before any new employees' first pay day.
If you clicked on 'Cancel' from the 'Confirm Download' message above, then you can go back into the Employee Details reporting page, select the 'From Date' and 'To Date' range of the new employees start date and or the end date of the terminated employee, then click on 'Run Report' which will then display those employees that meet the date range criteria and who have NOT been previously reported.
Remember clicking 'OK' from the 'Download Confirmation' message confirms you will upload the Employee details to the IR.
If you clicked on the 'OK' button accidentally however have NOT uploaded the Employee details file to the IR, then tick the 'Include previously uploaded employees' checkbox, then 'Run Report' button which will include all the new and or departed employees within the date range criteria.
When you are ready to upload the Employee Details report to IR, click on 'CSV' to generate the file. When uploading your employee details report to myIR, please make sure you are uploading the original downloaded file. DO NOT open and save the report to your own drive as this will cause file formatting issues and as a result will return errors within the payday filing submission.
Click on the 'IRD Portal' text from the Employee Details report page which will take you directly to the Inland Revenue Department's myIR portal.
Reporting employee details via direct connection with IRD gateway service
This section will explain how to report new and departing employees to IR if your payday filing method = Connect to IRD gateway service.
Firstly, make sure you are set up to connect to the IRD gateway services by checking your business IRD Settings. You must complete all the fields within the IRD Settings screen and have your 'Payday Filing Method' set to 'Connect to IRD gateway services'.
Then, if reporting payday filing directly through the gateway service for the first time, you will need to connect to the IRD gateway services to start using this service. Click on the 'Connect' button.
The following pop up message will appear, please confirm that you wish to connect to the IRD gateway services by clicking on 'OK' button.
Clicking on OK will redirect you to the myIR login page, you will need to enter in your myIR login and password details.
Once you have successfully entered in your myIR details, you will be directed back to the payday filing employee details report page which will show you are now connected to the IRD gateway services.
Once you have reviewed the employee details, you can lodge new, updated or departing employee information by clicking on the 'Upload to IRD Gateway Services' button as shown below.
The following 'Upload Complete' confirmation will display and all employees listed within the payday filing employee details screen will then disappear from the screen upon successful lodgement to IR.
For more information on how to upload the Payday Filing reports, please refer to the IRD website.
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