Enhancement Overview:
This enhancements aim to give more visibility on the employees' standard hours and leaves in Roster section to easily manage scheduling.
1. Ability to include approved leaves into the Remaining Hours calculation.
Below screenshot shows that only the shifts should be taken to get the calculated remaining hours based on the employees' standard hours.
To include leaves, make sure to tick Leave as shown in the second screenshot.
Leaves are ticked under Remaining Hours and Filter - Remaining Hours shows 16 as the leave has been deducted from the initial remaining hours referencing the above screenshot. Unticking Leave, remaining hours will go back to 24.
2. Ability to edit recurring shifts in bulk (Repeat Shift)
Users have the option to edit the current shift or make changes to only future shifts or apply the changes to all the shifts in the series. This makes it easier for users for not having to make the same changes to all shifts individually but do it in bulk.
Shifts created in a series can now be edited in bulk.
After editing one of the shifts in the series, a side panel to confirm action with options will appear after clicking Save (Would you like to apply the changes to the rest of the repeated shifts?)
- No - if update only applies to the shift user is currently updating, current and prior shifts will be disassociated to the series.
- Apply to Upcoming - if updating shift is in the middle of the series, prior shifts will not be affected
- Apply to All - all shifts in the series regardless of which shift the user selected to edit
3. Remaining Hours on employee's set Contracted hours in its Standard Hours
If the employee's total rostered shifts are more than the contracted hours, Remaining Hours shows "over" indicating that schedule went beyond.
4. Shift Requirements Indicator (Requirement)
Adding or editing a requirement will show the Icons that user can assign that will be it's indicator in the employee's shift.
All shifts will show the valid requirement of the employee even if the shift does not have a requirement.
Note: The requirement icon is dependent on the employee's requirements which means, all shifts of the employee will have the icon of the requirements employee has especially if requirement is non expiry.
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